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Introduction to Side Saddle Riding

Virtual Seminar

Ticket Confirmed


Introduction to Side Saddle Riding

April 2021

With a limited number of side saddle instructors, getting started in the world of aside riding can be difficult.  Luckily, Anne Moss, talented and accomplished sidesaddle rider, judge, and trainer is here to help!  Learn about sidesaddle goal setting, tack, how to tack up aside, watch a beginner side saddle lesson, and watch an advanced lesson to set some intentions and possible goals for the future.

Seminar Objective

A virtual seminar to help participants understand the basics of sidesaddle mindset, tack, tacking, and riding: 

  1. The Sidesaddle mindset and setting goals. 

  2. Sidesaddle tack and tacking

  3. The Beginner sidesaddle lesson

  4. Advanced sidesaddle lesson

Seminar Format 

1:00 PM Tech Support Help Party

2:00 PM Speaker introduction by CLH Director, Jennifer Stevenson.  

2:15 PM Introduction to side saddle tack

2:45 PM How to tack up sidesaddle

3:15 PM Break and Q&A

3:45 PM Beginner sidesaddle lesson

4:15 PM Break and Q&A

4:30 PM Advanced sidesaddle lesson with jumping

5:00 PM Q&A

5:30 Adjourn Seminar

Participant Materials Needed to Participate

  1. An updated, working computer with high-speed internet.

  2. A headset and microphone.  Please check these with your computer before the session.  Computers with a built-in microphone can also work, but participants with excessive background noise will be muted if distracting from the session.  Microphone optional--if you cannot speak, you can type your questions and answers if needed.

  3. (Optional) a webcam or built-in computer camera.

Participants will be contacted via email to set up her/his seminar account 1-2 weeks before the event.  Everyone is encouraged to log in at 1:00 PM on the day of the seminar to be checked-in, be given an overview of the platform, and deal with any possible technical issues.  No refunds will be issued for tech-related problems if the participant skips this part of the seminar.  If you have previously attended a virtual CLH Seminar, please feel free to log in, check-in, and go about your business until we get started.  ;) 


We strive to create an inclusive, educational, and supportive space for interested parties to learn and grow their side saddle knowledge.  No refunds will be issued if a participant is removed for belligerent behavior.  


$45.00  Participants have access to tech support throughout the seminar, have the opportunity to participate in text, audio, and video channels (as desired).  Price reflects a single participant.  Participants sharing the event or sharing the event with others who have not paid will be considered in violation of terms of agreement and will be removed from the seminar without a refund.  If you would like to host a "watch party" with multiple viewers at a single location, please contact for group rates. 

Featured Speaker: Anne Moss

USEF “R” Dressage, “r” Dressage Sport Horse, and “R” Western Dressage Judge, ISSO Side Saddle Instructor  


Anne lives with her Husband John in Coatesville, PA. with two dogs, three horses, and a nice flock of hens.  She enjoys many horse sports, and especially riding and teaching side saddle. Her background is mainly in Pony Club (graduate “A” from Huntingdon Valley Hunt Pony Club), western equitation and gymkhana, pleasure driving, eventing through Intermediate 3-Day, dressage to Grand Prix level aside and astride. (earning her USDF Bronze and Silver Medals riding side saddle), and foxhunting.  With her mare Goodness Grace, she earned her USDF Gold Medal riding astride in 2020. Her goal for 2021 is the USDF Gold Medal riding side saddle.


She grew up in Bucks Co., Pa. on her family’s farm, and spend her youth riding bareback and barefoot- exploring the woods and countryside with a wonderful clan of siblings, cousins and neighborhood friends. She participated in local horse shows riding western and English, eventually joining Huntingdon Valley Hunt Pony Club where she developed a passion for eventing with her homebred QH/Saddlebred pony Monday who ran

Preliminary and was also a good driving pony.


As a young woman, she was given the chance to teach local Pony Clubbers, and that blossomed into a lifelong passion for sharing the joy she found with horses with others.   For five years she ran Snipe Hunt Farm, a local riding school on her family farm, with the focus of introducing beginning riders to the world of horses. The ladder of learning that she was introduced to in Pony Club has continued to this day and fuels her passion to improve herself and those around her. She continues to be involved with USPC as a National Examiner.


When not riding or showing her favorite horses Rocky and Grace, she enjoys pottery (Blow Horn Pottery), horticulture, historical reenacting (Wild West, Train Robberies and Rendezvous) and without horses, open hearth cooking and baking, traveling and volunteering.  She loves to organize USDF “L” Programs, USEF Judges Programs, and USDF Sport Horse Seminars.  Look for her riding side saddle in 2021 on the centerline with Grace at Grand Prix. #Sidesaddledressagequeen


She has earned instructor certification for; ARIA for dressage and side saddle, Side Saddle Association (UK), and the International Side Saddle Association.

She serves/has served on non-profit boards and committees including: Dressage at Devon, DVCTA Past President, United States Pony Club National Examiner (NE) and N.E. Committee, United States Dressage Federation Historical Recognition Committee, Sport Horse Committee and advisor to the USDF Freestyle Committee, International Side Saddle Organization, Cochran Hunt Board.


She has recently retired from working as practice manager for her husband John’s Brandywine Valley Veterinary Hospital for the past 24 years.

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