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Introduce yourself!

I'm Anne Moss. I'm an instructor at Camp Leaping Horn and I am a Certified Riding Instructor from the International Side Saddle Organization and from the Side Saddle Association in the UK. I'm also a United States Pony Club 'A' graduate and National Examiner, a USEF small 'r' dressage judge, and large 'R' Western dressage judge. 

I've earned my USDF Bronze and Silver medals riding aside on a wonderful horse named Helium, and I've competed up to Intermediaire level in the side saddle in dressage. I love teaching, and Camp Leaping Horn is an excellent opportunity for me to do some teaching every year and also to share my love of side saddle.

What is your favorite part about camp?

My favorite part about Camp Leaping Horn has to be the people. That's easy. It's a wonderful, wonderful community of people, and they come from all over. I think I have a few side saddle neighbors in my area, but at camp they'll come from twelve hours away, trucking their horses over hill and dale, and so you really get to meet the larger community. It's also an incredible opportunity as they usually have several teachers at camp sometimes from different disciplines, and sometimes from different countries. We've been lucky to have instructors come over from England to really teach us how it's done, and to be able to take lessons with all those different instructors is just a fantastic opportunity. 

Favorite camp memory?

I've had so many opportunities to help people with their riding with their horses, and to sort of point their noses in the right direction so they can go off and become successful. So as a teacher, introducing beginners to side saddle has been a real thrill for me. That's something that I have always really enjoyed and being able to do it to side saddle riders is especially fun. But then also taking a more advanced rider and just giving them the skills they need to ride their horse aside like they would astride, and to give them the aids, and the timing of their aids to help them really get through to their horses so the horses can start to go well, that's always quite exciting to me. 

What is the sense of community at camp like and how does it affect your experience?

The sense of community at camp is...I guess it's not unlike any other kind of camp you could go to. I went to camp when I was a kid and it was really fun. But this side saddle camp is, it's so specific, it's about the art of riding side saddle. And so you have a really intense group of ladies who are really focused on the same thing and that is really unique. Even though we're riding different horses, we're riding different styles of side saddles, different disciplines of side saddles, our community love of side saddle just makes it an amazing treat to spend time with these people. And there's historians, there's tailors, there's seamstresses, there's amazing equestrians. And saddlers. You get amazing saddlers at camp too. And so to be able to take advantage of all that knowledge, in such a friendly, welcoming environment.

Additional thoughts?

If you have a side saddle in the attic or a habit in the closet and you don't know what to do with it, bring it to camp, because we'll tell you what to do with it and we'll help you get it on you, or get it on your horse and help you get started. People start riding for a lot of different reasons, but many people have an old saddle that's come their way, or an old habit that sort of fits them like a glove and they'd love to learn to ride. And camp is a wonderful place to do that. So I would encourage you to come to camp, and if you have any family or historical side saddle items, bring them with you, because we're dying to see them. And we'll help you figure out what they are and how to use them.

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Camp Leaping Horn 2022.  Site created and managed by Paws and Rewind, LLC.  All photos are Copyright of Paws and Rewind, LLC and may not be used for any other purposes without written consent from Paws and Rewind, LLC.

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