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Buying a Side Saddle Online

Virtual Seminar


Buying a Side Saddle Online

February 20, 2021

Buying a side saddle online can be tricky for both new and experienced side saddle riders.  Through this educational seminar, presented by Amy Magee of Black Diamond Designs, participants will begin to learn what to consider before purchasing a side saddle online. 

Seminar Objective

A virtual seminar to help participants understand the basic anatomy of what makes up our "core" musculature, its implications for stability of our movement patterns, breathing mechanics, and posture--all of which impact our riding position and performance.  Seminar will cover:  

  1. Introduction to basic anatomy of the abdomen and spine. 

  2. Identification of key muscle groups every rider needs at their center.

  3. Breathing mechanics--what's typical and what is ideal--implications for our nervous system.

  4. Pelvic alignment and common rider faults that lead to back pain (with some tricks to fix).

  5. Importance of posture out of the saddle as much as in the saddle.

  6. Core exercises most pertinent to riders (Do these exercises!)

Seminar Format 

9:00 AM Tech Support Help Party

10:00 AM Speaker introduction by CLH Director, Jennifer Ohlsson.  

10:15 AM Introduction to buying side saddles online

10:30 AM Basic side saddle construction

11:15 AM Break and an activity and Q&A

11:45 AM Repairs: Major vs Minor

12:15 PM What to look for when buying a side saddle online

12:45 PM Wrap-up and sharing of links.


Featured Speaker: Amy Magee

Owner of Black Diamond Designs


Amy Magee has been enjoying the art of sidesaddle riding for almost 30 years. She started riding aside in high school, encouraged by her first riding instruction who casually rode aside as well. Her interest in the beauty of the saddles themselves intensified when she met saddler Reggie Elkins while working as a visiting nurse in the mid 1990’s. Reggie shared much of his sidesaddle  knowledge with her during their visits. Amy continued to ride and compete astride and  sidesaddle until an accident in 2001 caused significant trauma to her back, pelvis and left leg. Since then she has found riding aside most comfortable. She has spent countless hours expanding her knowledge base, building a sidesaddle collection and helping others enjoy this style of riding as much as she does. Amy spent a significant amount of time taking leatherwork lessons from saddler Ann McGrail, who apprenticed under Reggie Elkins, and has recently begun working with Master Saddler Michael Stokes from Centaur Saddlery. She also worked with the late Roger Philpot learning his tips and techniques for flocking the sidesaddle. 


In the saddle Amy has competed in many disciplines. Hunter derbies, dressage, eventing, and even point to point racing along with the standard USEF ladies sidesaddle division. She is always eager to answer Questions and assist new and veteran riders with needs they may have. 

Participant Materials Needed to Participate

  1. An updated, working computer with high-speed internet.

  2. A headset and microphone.  Please check these with your computer before the session.  Computers with a built-in microphone can also work, but participants with excessive background noise will be muted if distracting from the session.  Microphone optional--if you cannot speak, you can type your questions and answers if needed.

  3. (Optional) a webcam or built-in computer camera.

Participants will be contacted by a Camp Leaping Horn representative to set up her/his seminar account 1-2 weeks before the event.  If the participant misses this appointment, she/he will be sent a link to the seminar platform the day before the seminar begins and will be asked to create an account on her/his own.  Everyone is encouraged to log in at 9:00 AM on the morning of the seminar to be checked-in, be given an overview of the platform, and deal with any possible technical issues.  No refunds will be issued for tech-related problems if the participant skips this part of the seminar. 


We strive to create an inclusive, educational, and supportive space for interested parties to learn and grow their side saddle knowledge.  No refunds will be issued if a participant is removed for belligerent behavior.  


Participants have access to tech support throughout the seminar, have the opportunity to participate in text, audio, and video channels (as desired).  A portion of each payment will be donated to Riding with Heart, a therapeutic riding center in Pittstown, New Jersey.

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