Anatomy of Western Side Saddles
Date: June 5, 2021
Learn about the anatomy and repair of western side saddles from Holly Saddlery owner, Jacquelynn Holly. Through this presentation, rich in photos and demonstration, participants will better understand the construction and history of these beautiful saddles.
Seminar Objective
A virtual seminar to help participants understand the basics of western side saddles:
The Evolution of Western Side Saddles
The Anatomy of Western Side Saddles
DIY and Complex repairs of Western Side Saddles
Seminar Format (Times are in EST)
1:00 PM Tech Support Help Party
2:00 PM Speaker introduction by CLH Director, Jennifer Stevenson.
2:05 PM The Evolution of Western Side Saddles
2:50 PM Break and Q&A
3:10 PM The Anatomy of Western Side Saddles
3:55 PM Break and Q&A
4:10 PM Western Side Saddle Repairs
5:00 PM Q&A
5:30 Adjourn Seminar
Participant Materials Needed to Participate
An updated, working computer with high-speed internet.
A headset and microphone. Please check these with your computer before the session. Computers with a built-in microphone can also work, but participants with excessive background noise will be muted if distracting from the session. Microphone optional--if you cannot speak, you can type your questions and answers if needed.
(Optional) a webcam or built-in computer camera.
Participants will be contacted via email to set up her/his seminar account 1-2 weeks before the event. Everyone is encouraged to log in at 1:00 PM on the day of the seminar to be checked-in, be given an overview of the platform, and deal with any possible technical issues. No refunds will be issued for tech-related problems if the participant skips this part of the seminar. If you have previously attended a virtual CLH Seminar, please feel free to log in, check-in, and go about your business until we get started. ;)
We strive to create an inclusive, educational, and supportive space for interested parties to learn and grow their side saddle knowledge. No refunds will be issued if a participant is removed for belligerent behavior.
$50.00 Participants have access to tech support throughout the seminar, have the opportunity to participate in text, audio, and video channels (as desired). Price reflects a single participant. Participants sharing the event or sharing the event with others who have not paid will be considered in violation of terms of agreement and will be removed from the seminar without a refund. If you would like to host a "watch party" with multiple viewers at a single location, please contact for group rates.
Featured Speaker: Jacquelynn Holly
Owner: Holly Saddlery and Equine Jeweled Designs

Jacquelynn’s fascination with sidesaddles began in 2013 when she was a member of a Victorian re-enactment group. She loved the attention to detail put into the habits and felt the same energy should be devoted to the tack being used – starting with saddles! She took it upon herself to buy her first sidesaddle, which she used in parades and performances.
Jacquelynn’s primary influence was Lillian Chaudhary. Though they had limited exchanges before Lillian’s passing, Jacquelynn admired her dedication to building sidesaddles fit for the modern horse and rider.
Jacquelynn’s knowledge of sidesaddles evolved over the years as she invested in over 50 sidesaddles from varying time periods. She began dismantling western sidesaddles and rebuilding them. These first-hand, self-taught educational opportunities allowed Jacquelynn to form her own understanding of the balance and structure put into well-made western sidesaddles.
Like many sidesaddle enthusiasts, Jacquelynn has experimented with countless sidesaddles before finding “the ones”. Each of the saddles that didn’t work out, contributed to Jacquelynn’s refinement in what she recommends for an individual seeking a western sidesaddle.
In 2018, Jacquelynn founded the Idaho Sidesaddle Association. It is an ever-growing group of phenomenal women, who share the same passion for learning the art of riding aside.
You can find examples of Jacquelynn’s restoration work at and at Facebook: Holly Saddlery.
Jacquelynn also enjoys creating gemstone tack and horsehair keepsakes. and at Facebook: Equine Jeweled Designs